Fluor test procedure

Link til Nasjonal testprosedyre
- All skies used in competitions need på to be marked before race. Athletes are responsible for marking their skies with either tape og markings. All markings need to be placed in front of the skies, as shown in the picture under.
- All skies need to be marked with START BIB
- Remember to change BIB number before sprint finals and next race.
- Please use tape/markings you have. OC will not provide this.
- After competition athletes will pass a checkpoint where skies may be picked out for testing. Follow instruction from OC. Please have the BIB number on when you pass this checkpoint.
- SPRINT FINALS: Skies need to be delivered for fluor test after finishing each round. Athletes who are going to the next round will get their skies at start. In Sprint C it will be allowed for Waxers to adjust the kick wax zone at the start area. Athletes who are kicked out may pick up their skies at the ski delivery zone.
- Skies need to be marked with start BIB.
- Skies will be tested in the tent/"bunker".
- After skies are tested, you will find your skies in the ski pick up area.
Test capasity
- The Jury will draw a list of number before start, for which skies who will be tested.
- Jury will also priority to test the 10 best athletes.
- The Jury may also decide to pick random skies to test under the competition.
- Number of skies who are tested, will not be communicated before competition.